
Here’s to undoing parenthood — that is, reflecting on how we were raised and how that affected us, and choosing to do better for our children and future generations. We take what we know and were taught, and pave our own way.

We believe in raising kind, conscious, inclusive children.

We also believe in and support those who choose not to have children, or choose alternate styles of parenting.

That said, there are three things we do not tolerate here at Parenting Undone:

  • Physical punishment
  • Teaching abstinence as the ONE right way to prevent pregnancy
  • Force-feeding your religion on your children

You don’t have to have kids to understand that abuse is abuse and trauma is trauma. Are you really okay if you’re defending laying your hands on a child? Children are the only living beings on earth that adults are legally allowed to hit — although, in a few countries, it is illegal.

Charlise Lee, founder

Charlise lives in Princeton, TX, for the small town vibe, with her husband, Brian. They have five boys (8, 11, 13, 15 and 16) and four girls (9mo, 2, 4, and 8). Charlise is also a founding member of PTX Diverse. She previously wrote for Crunchy Moms and founded Crunchy Family, which ran from 2013-2020. Her 2015 surrogacy journey was featured in Peekaboo Magazine’s February 2016 issue.


Jane, sitting and leaning outside of car, looking up

Jane Lively, co-founder

Jane Lively, AKA Autistic Jane, is a cat mom currently working to regain her independence so she can leave abusive family members behind for good. She is a regular contributor at Find Child & Youth Residential Treatment, where she shares tips for parents of autistic children. Jane is keen to recover from her trauma and find her village before she becomes a human parent.